

There is a fundamental fiery spiritual field that is the source of direct knowledge (Vigyan), which we can connect to.

Thought is the instrument which, when connected through the heart and the source of this direct knowledge, can be identified with its fiery essence. The rekindling of thought occurs through the fiery heart, similar to how a radio is tuned to various frequencies.

The fire of the heart (prem-agni), through fiery thought, can ignite and elevate us towards the fiery world, which is the ocean of fiery consciousness (sarva- cht-Agni).

Fiery consciousness contains two fundamental esoteric principles:

a) the principle of energetic awareness

b) the principle of luminous and sonic consciousness (light and sound always go together)

These two fundamental esoteric principles emanate from the fiery spirit.

CHIT-SHAKTI VIDYA - Energetic Awareness

(The Holy Spirit of the Christians and the Shekhinah of the Kabbalists)

When we experience energy, it means that the sense of feeling the energy has developed.

In simpler terms, we can say that where there is light, there is also sound - vibration, and together, they produce electromagnetic energy.

At this stage, we feel and are aware of the energy, which means that we experience a continuous flow of energy through various spontaneous kriyas, such as pranayamas, bandhas, asanas, mudras, mantras, which occur in the Etheric/physical body, through the central channel (and other nadis) and chakras.

This is the flow of the universal energy of the Mother (Aditi Mula Prakriti) that exists within the true core of a human being, functioning as a catalyst for activating our inherent homeostatic intelligence - harmonizing our internal energy centers/systems (chakras, glands) into an impeccable and precise self-restoration and realignment of our current potentials beyond time and space.

CHIT-NADAJOTHI VIDYA - (awareness of light and sound)

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." Bible

In the second stage, we experience and become aware of the inner light through the third eye, which means we can see and feel the inner light as well as hear the inner sound.

The light and sound (Nadajothi) guide us to pass through all the esoteric levels, bodies, and higher inner worlds until we reach the source of this light and sound - the spiritual harmony of the music of the spheres.

CHIT-AGNI VIDYA - (awareness of fiery consciousness)

Christ said: "God within us is a consuming fire" - and the ancient Greeks spoke of "the ever-living fire."

When we experience the fire, all other senses are present. Fiery consciousness emanates all principles - energy, light, and sound, because these are the essence of its existence.

Just as two qualities emanate from a flame, heat and light/sound, so too from the fiery essence.

Now this flame is essentially fiery consciousness (chitagni). Essentially, there are not two separate principles, but different perspectives of perception depending on the evolution of consciousness.

In conclusion, we find that fiery consciousness is expressed through these manifestations: energy, light-sound, and indivisible fiery essence.

Where there is light, there is sound (vibration). Light and sound produce energy. That is, there are various levels of light and sound (vibration) depending on the level of evolution of individual consciousness.

With the activation and fusion of the divine motherly Kundalini through the Father (Shiva) in the Heavens - from the base of the spine to the Brahmarandra - we gradually achieve the union of the microcosm and the macrocosm through the revelation of Mother-originating Love.

In many yoga practices given so far, more emphasis has been placed on cultivating the flow of prana; however, a comprehensive practice combines prana - mantra - divine light into a fully unified whole.


In total, there are five inner senses (smell, taste, sight, touch, hearing) that are transcendental and connected to five energy centers.

However, the principle of the “higher sound” (Para vak) is the superior principle of fiery consciousness.

These principles are connected with energy (prana), sound (vak), and light (Kirana). Now, every true practice contains these qualities.

Energy is connected with pranic life (fohat), light is connected with divine rays (Divya Kirana), and sound is connected with the Word (Para Vak) - the primordial sound as well as its expression in various vibrations of the auditory roots (sounds) of the universe.

With blessings and Love,

Sri Triagneshvara Guruji.


