What is Triagni & Triagni Yoga?
Triagni Yoga is the scientific practice of awakening, activating and merging the triple fire:
a) The fire of maa kundalini.
b) The fire of the mind - Manas.
c) The fire of the Father Shiva.
The spiritual method of a Triagni Yogi is to combine fiery pranayama with secret mantras, directing the fohat to run through the central channel - the Brahman Nadi - to awaken the fiery Kundalini.
This process can be achieved as a consequence of transforming the three lower energy centers into the Fiery center of the Heart. This synthesis continues to fully blossom until the fiery love in the heart and the higher fiery devotion to Ishvara (God), the inner teacher who oversees this internal process in the Sahasrāra chakra, emerge to reveal one's True Identity.
On a psychological level, this process eliminates lower emotions by transforming them into their higher counterparts. Pain is transformed into loving compassion and kindness, fear into courage, sorrow into acceptance and willingness to see and experience reality as it is, hatred into positive power and unconditional love.
At this stage, the fire of Manipura begins to reverse and flow through the central channel to the heart. Then the lower "conditional love" becomes higher "group fiery love."
Through this internal alchemy, the ignition of the heart's fire takes place, resulting in the awakening and activation of the fiery Kundalini.
The fiery Kundalini is the psychic force (chit-shakti) that works through the center at the base of the spine, yet it manifests through the heart in evolved souls, in the form of (Chit – Agni). The application and action of Mother Kundalini fire come from the source of the fire of love, (Prem – Agni) which is the heart of the Cosmic Mother.
*Chit-Agni, triple fire of kundalini and the unification of the three cosmic flames:*
What is Chit Agni?
Chit Agni is inner fire (Para Shakti) in the form of cosmic consciousness. It is principle of the Supreme which can assist one to attain Self and over Self Realisation.
This teaching existed from the beginning of creation, however, with the passage of time it was misrepresented/misinterpreted and until now there has been a misunderstanding regarding what this energy (divine fire) is all about.
It is not an external kind of fire like the fire of the sun, the earth, or lightning, and it cannot be realized by worshipping any external form of fire.
Specifically, in the perineum (Muladhara) at the base of the spine, there is the fire of maa Kundalini, which is the sleeping fire of matter. This fire is calm, latent and dynamic.
An analogy to give greater clarity is found in the seed that contains the potential future existence of a tree but can only exist when the potential is activated. The tree does not exist, it never did, only the potential to become one when the necessary fertilizers, water, and sun exposure to grow to its full potential are given.
This fire is Triple in nature, in the sense that when properly awakened, it flows in three main channels of the spine. The fiery Kundalini, in the course of physiological evolution, performs three unifications. First, the fire of matter merges with prana (center in the shoulder blades), then with the fire of the mind (chakra Alta major) and finally with the fire of Shiva (chakra Brahmaradra).
The second and third integrations cause fiery mutations of the centers and relate to the internal channels of the spine.
Only an experienced initiate can mix and merge the Kundalini fire, which is the fire of matter, with the fire of mind. This only occurs when it progresses geometrically in all three channels with simultaneous action and uniform vibration - this is the true awakening of fire of kundalini. Then, the triple channel becomes one and the Yogi will experience various stages of Self-Realisation (samandhi).
When the centers and channels are cleaned correctly from their energetic psychological impressions (Samskaras), the Brahma nadi channel will be fully awakened. The true mutated and spiritualized fire of kundalini (Chit-Agni) will finally ascend safely through the Brahmā nadi to unite with the pure fire of Shiva (Agni atmaka) - the pure fire of the Shiva finally would unite with fire of space “Parama Shiva” (sarva Chit-Agni).
Another essential aspect of this transformational process is found in that small organ called pineal gland in the centre of the head, which when properly enlivened by the rising spiritualized fiery kundalini (Chit-Agni), it causes the third eye to open and with the help of the divine light-sound (chit-nadajothi) ascend within and see the beauties of the Upper subtle fields - even higher to the fiery 'undifferentiated' worlds.
Thus, one will gradually yet inevitably experience the higher levels of Nirvikalpa samadhi and bring the complete and full light of Shiva (Father) down to the personality (mental-astral-etheric body).
At this point, the initiate will be able to mutate all the five elements into the essence of the higher light body. This means that he or she will experience "Over Self-realisation" and eventually become an ascended master.
It is of utmost importance to state that the help and guidance of a Master (someone who has gone successfully through this alchemical transformational process) is unquestionably essential for a safe spiritual awakening activation and fiery Kundalini emergence; hence, we are led to the highest goal of human existence which is no other than the realization of our Divine core Self and Over Self.
With blessings and Love,
Sri Triagneshvara Guruji.